2nd-level conjuration (ritual)
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Self
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Wristpocket: You flick your wrist, causing one object in your hand to vanish. The object, which only you can be holding and can weigh no more than 5 pounds, is transported to an extradimensional space, where it remains for the duration.
Until the spell ends, you can use your action to summon the object to your free hand, and you can use your action to return the object to the extradimensional space. An object still in the pocket plane when the spell ends appears in your space, at your feet.
Spell Lists.Chronurgy Wizard, Graviturgy Wizard
Wristpocket PRO’S
- Ritual Casting
- Great for hiding important objects
- Great roleplay ability
Overall, Wristpocket is a spell designed for roleplay playstyles.
With a unique feature that makes for great social interaction, the spell can see its fair share of play.
That said it all depends on your style.
If you are a spellcaster focused on damage there is no appeal.
If you focus on enhancing the party as a support wizard, there is no appeal.
But, if you are focused on “wowing” the crowd and cleverly hiding important objects with your “sticky fingers”, well wristpocket is for you.
As noted in the list, Wristpocket has three great features to use. (Hiding, Roleplay, and Ritual)
Now the benefit of ritual spells can be summed up in one of my most popular articles that goes over every aspect of ritual spells.
But the short version is, ritual casting allows you to use the spell for free as long as you are willing to cast it for ten minutes.
This can be huge for this spell, as the other 2 benefits; hiding and roleplay can be shown more throughout a campaign.
Without the loss of a spell slot.
But, let’s go over why this is a good spell for those two features.
Hiding objects
Wrispocket is similar to rope trick in a lot of ways.
The key similarity is they allow access to a pocket dimension that can be invisible to most people.
This means important objects such as weapons, potions, or even quest items can be hidden away with few ways to detect.
As “detect magic” and “locate objects” will not be able to find the object in question.
This means that important objects can now safely be in your party’s hands without a notable challenge to hide them.
Need to smuggle proof that the king is betraying his country?
Wristpocket, and leave right in front of the guards with no worries they might see anything amiss.
Weapons banned in an area?
Wristpocket it, and pop it out at an opportune moment to catch everyone by surprise.
And there are countless other uses but this should get your creativity flowing.
Finally, we have Roleplay aspects.
This spell fits any suave roleplay character.
Are they a world-class con artist?
Or maybe a great poker player who likes having an ace up their sleeves?
What about an assassin?
Always needing a tool hidden for tricky clients.
This just screams suave when it comes to uses.
As a result, you will find many social interactions involving this spell.
Such as:
- Poker games
- Roleplay assassinations
- Surprising an important gift to a person
- Hiding a bucket of paint to throw at a friend
- Stealing something important from someone and watching them freak out.
- Etc.
Because of this ability being a ritual spell you will see many uses that are only limited by creativity.
Wristpocket CON’S
- Concentration
- Limited interactions
- Won’t be needed often
Now that we discussed where wristpocket is good.
Let’s talk about the downsides.
The biggest downside is wristpocket requires concentration.
This is huge, as a lot of other fun spells require concentration.
Thus, if you would like to use this spell for the full hour, you can cast no other concentration spells, nor ritually cast any other spells.
All in all, a huge downside to the spell.
Limited Interaction
But that is not all, most powerful spells are powerful because of their versatility.
For instance, Misty Step is a great combat spell, but can also be great for roleplay or utility playstyles.
As it allows you to reach areas you could not always get.
This spell, however, is limited to more roleplay-specific scenarios.
The main reason is that you are most likely to cast this spell via ritual only.
But, the other problem is you can be the only one touching it so there can be no contest over control over the object.
Finally, as discussed before, it requires concentration which kills a lot of interaction in other situations.
Making this spell good for roleplay playstyles but sub-par to abysmal for other playstyles.
Won’t Be Needed
Finally, while this can see use in roleplay, a bag of holding, Drawmiji Instant summons, or even rope trick can also do this.
Therefore, while this is the best of all spells, a bag of holding is better.
And, it still has other spells that can achieve close to the same thing.
Making this redundant and sometimes impractical for a wizard to have.

- Roleplay characters
- Hiding
- Glyph of warding
Roleplay Characters
As talked about throughout the article, roleplay players will love wristpocket.
It is both roleplay-centric and versatile in roleplay encounters.
Making this a good choice thematically.
But, as noted, it does little else for other playstyles.
Moreover, while I did say this can be good mainly for roleplay, there are still some other uses for it.
The biggest example is the fact that you can hide items.
While stated before, it should be noted again that hiding items can come in handy.
Especially in utility and exploration playstyles where these kinds of spells can be vital.
Again, if you do not know the difference between playstyles, I highly suggest getting my beginners book on playstyles now on my website.
Glyph of Warding
That said, I did discover a fun interaction with glyph of warding and this spell.
What you do is cast glyph of warding, then store the object into your wristpocket.
From there for the next hour, you have access to the glyph by flicking your wrist.
Note, this pocket dimension is only around the size of your hand and therefore will not trigger the movement issue on glyph.
That said, once you summon it, the glyph will instantly explode as you have moved past the glyphs movements.
Thus causing an explosion right on top of yourself.
A cool interaction with the spell that I am sure a lot of players will want to try.
In conclusion, wristpocket is an okay spell.
With both roleplay and specific utility/combat support mechanics.
Wristpocket can be fun for a lot of players.
That said, there are some big downsides to this spell that make it an okay pick for a character at best.
Ideally, I would rather have Rope Trick over this spell.
Which is discussed in my article going over why rope trick is good.
But, with the right attitude and creative thinking, this can be a personal favorite for many.
Hope this was informative and have a wonderful day!